Visual content insights from Arcreative
Blog Images How the Right Visual Content Will Turn Medical Device Prospects into Buyers

Meta: Learn which visual content best converts medical device prospects into buyers including webinars, video, branding and more.

One of the best ways to increase brand recognition for medical devices is through highly visual content. Our brains are hard-wired to pay attention to visual content over virtually anything else. When done right, the prospect can even visualize the end result before ever even having purchased the device, lending more power to your sales and marketing campaigns.

But how do you even reach this point? And what kind of visual content converts medical device prospects into buyers? Let’s take a closer look.

What Differentiates the Device’s Manufacturer from its Competitors?

A surgeon or physician’s work rests on two things: their skills and their knowledge of the machines and devices they’re using. Many medical device companies insist they have the latest technology, the best after-sales service or are the most affordable. No one brand can “own” these statements, however, it’s very likely that established brands have already built up a reputation to dominate the market from a certain angle. That means trying a different approach.

Traditionally, medical device companies are not the most well known for having strong, memorable brands. For example, people know Johnson & Johnson, but they know them from their consumer-facing products, not their Ethicon medical device brand. As such, it’s up to the brand to bridge the gap and connect with its target audience on the values and principles that it embodies.

That’s also not to say that those principles and values won’t ever change. A company that launches in the medical device market as the most affordable alternative to a larger brand can eventually find their own footing as they cultivate their own angles and unique sales propositions.

The key vehicle in doing all of that? Visual content. But what kind of visual content moves the needle? Here’s what our years of experience have shown us:

Online Ads and Social Media

In a world wracked by COVID, face-to-face meetings and trade shows have evolved into a type of hybrid meeting. The pandemic forced many people to do the bulk of their research online. Having everything at your fingertips has its benefits, making it more important than ever for medical device companies to rank well in the search engines and have a social media presence.

Hybrid meetings offer the best of both worlds in a virtual space where traditional confines are removed and participants are free to ask questions, collaborate and plan together without real-world restrictions. Oftentimes these hybrid meetings are split from one person disseminating information to many, which then go on to form small breakout groups or pods. Hybrid groups can be extremely beneficial and be customized to align with your business goals, making them an excellent option that delivers the best of both worlds.

In both ads and on social media, reputation is second to none. That’s why it’s so important to demonstrate your commitment to quality and excellence by incorporating mentions of your device in medical journals, case studies, prestigious hospitals or clinics using your brand and more. Doing so with high quality visuals allows your brand to stand out among competitors and keeps you front-of-mind as prospects research and learn more about your device.

Webinars and Presentations

Webinars and presentations, done right, can strengthen your brand and set your device apart from the crowd. Instead of just getting together a list of attendees to market to and build your list, a webinar allows you to dig deep into the areas where prospective buyers are most concerned as well as any underlying myths that have made them hesitant about making a purchase.

With a webinar, you’re branding yourself as an authority and using your evidence, as well as high quality visuals, to back up your statements. Using facts, figures and other data, you’re positioning your brand as a recognized expert and seeking to help prospects make a decision with confidence. By including a feedback survey at the end, you can gather valuable feedback about the presentation and the product, which can further allow you to refine your approach or the device itself, and it costs you nothing to ask.

As part of your webinar, you can also open the floor to questions. It doesn’t have to be a one-way communications street. In addition, this helps further cement your brand as an expert in the field. Bringing on other thought leaders, incorporating testimonials from other buyers and other experts in the field only strengthens your proposition.

And last, but certainly not least, such a webinar presents your brand as one that is trustworthy and reliable. You’re investing your time in helping buyers better understand the nuances of your device and how it works, as well as how it can help them help more people. As such, you become more accessible, offering guidance and support. This shows that you not only support your product, but your purchasers as well, and that long-term relationships matter.

To that end, make sure that your webinar visuals are crisp, detailed and professional. People will judge a presentation by its cover, so taking the time to make your visuals top-notch will also have a ripple effect on your brand as a whole.

Leverage Your Brand Purpose

What is your brand purpose? It may seem similar to your mission statement, but your brand purpose is why your company exists while your mission is how you go about achieving that goal. These days, a brand without a purpose is a brand that’s quickly forgotten. The fact is, consumers want to support and align with businesses that share their goals.

If, for example, your medical device allows type 2 diabetes to more conveniently check and manage their blood sugar, it stands to reason that your brand purpose would be aligned with helping patients to live a freer, more spontaneous life and enjoy the moment, rather than wondering or worrying about how their blood sugar is reacting. As such, your device integrates perfectly (and purposefully) with your brand, creating a cohesive vision that customers can support and align themselves with.

A brand purpose can also allow a medical device company to enter into new markets. It doesn’t take much to align that same purpose, for example, toward the pediatrics market and helping children who struggle with these same problems to live a more healthy and carefree life. .

Incorporate Video

Last but certainly not least is the use of video in helping to boost the sales of medical devices. Over 90% of our daily interactions are visual in nature. For this reason, prospects who view a video are more likely to make a purchase than those who simply read text.

In addition, a video is over twice as likely to appear at the top of Google’s search results. But videos go well beyond search engine optimization. By leveraging videos on your social media, landing pages, email campaigns and other strategies, you’ll be able to convert far more prospects than having them read a lengthy, text-heavy blog post.

Many medical device companies have long relied on print materials to do the heavy lifting of selling for them when they can’t always be in front of a purchasing decision-maker. In the past, materials like flyers, comparison charts and brochures helped seal the deal. With so much more research and so many studies available online, the decision-making process has moved online, where things like customer reviews and testimonials, digital whitepapers and reports are now the catalysts that help propel decisions.

Leveraging Analytics

Incorporating these types of assets as part of an overall marketing overhaul is not just a smart strategic decision, but it also allows medical device companies to leverage detailed analytics about who is accessing and consuming their content. Through rich digital media, like 3D animations, live presentations and video, medical device manufacturers are able to see how attentive users are, how much of their content was consumed and what the drop-off rate was.

This allows them far greater insights into how they need to proceed in order to keep buyers engaged. Compare this to, for example, a downloadable PDF. You can track the number of times such a file is downloaded, but there’s no way to know how much of it a user read or whether or not it’s sitting on their hard drive gathering digital dust.

Visual marketing collateral that can be tracked also leads to better, data-backed marketing decisions. Leveraging 3D animation in the middle of a webinar, for example, allows the medical device manufacturer to accurately and precisely illustrate the function of a specific part when asked during a live Q & A session, giving a wealth of insights to key purchasing decision-makers in a way that a static PDF or other text simply can’t compare to.

Static images are quickly being replaced by rich media content known as Micro Content. This micro content is having a direct impact on the medical device industry as it allows you to showcase your device in a more full-featured way, zooming in or highlighting specific features without taking away from the original context.

Micro Content Video Snippets

Micro content serves to cultivate interest and pique curiosity through small but substantial video snippets. For the medical device industry, some examples could include:

  • A teaser for a product launch on social media
  • An attachment in an email or during a webinar to generate interest
  • A “highlight reel” at a virtual email that engages the audience without showing the entire production
  • Specifying different features during a Zoom meeting (using our advanced VidiPlus software!)

Visual Content for Every Stage of the User Journey

It’s easy for medical device companies to fall into the trap of lumping all visual content together as a marketing silver bullet, but different types of content are needed depending on where the user is in their decision-making journal. For example:

Awareness – The buyer is made aware of your brand and wants to know how you can help them. Webinars, videos and advertorials can do a great deal to help nudge them toward the next stage.

Interest – At the interest stage, the buyer believes your brand could help them, but needs more information. This is where having a visualization of data comes into play. Having comparison charts, case studies and whitepapers as well as testimonials and reviews help lead them to the evaluation stage.

Evaluation – The buyer is evaluating your brand on different factors that are most important to them which could be anything from compatibility to price and everything in between. This is where content tailored to those points you crafted earlier when designing your brand purpose will come into play.

Engagement – Medical device purchasing decisions aren’t made on a whim, which is why you’ll need to keep your brand front-of-mind with engaging content that further reinforces why your device is the best option. Videos, webinars and case studies followed by reviews and social proof will be the most valuable at this stage.

Action – The buyer takes action and makes a purchase! But your work is still not done, because that then leads us to the last stage:

Retention – Once you get a customer, you want to keep them for life. Not only is it cheaper in the long term, but it’s much easier to remarket to an existing customer than trying to convince a new one to make a purchase. You can retain customers by continuing to update them about new case studies of client successes, after-sales service, follow-up webinars demonstrating new techniques or updates and other relevant types of content.

The Bottom Line on Visual Content that Converts

As you can see, having the right kind of visual content at the right moment can make all the difference between being a brand that’s easily forgotten, and being a brand that people recognize and actively seek out. To help, our expertly-crafted 3D animations, impactful videos and carefully-constructed models can help take your device to an entirely new level. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you better market your medical devices using the best types of visual content for your needs.


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Blog Images 10 Steps for the Perfect Video Script that Will Help Sell Your Medical Technology

When it comes to selling medical devices or technology, a picture may be worth a thousand words, but a video can be so much better. Even if there is more showing than telling in your video, you need to have that story down on paper. Your creative team will use that as a framework to help bring your vision to life, but in order to do so, they need a strong foundation to work from.

At the script portion of the production process, there’s already a lot of responsibility on your shoulders to make sure that you fully articulate your ideas so that they can be created and transformed into 3D animations and present your device or technology accurately and persuasively. But if you’ve never written a video script to sell medical technology before, where do you even begin?

That’s exactly why we’re here to help! The process is actually very simple once you break it down into individual steps. By following this simple formula, you’ll be able to set yourself up for success right from the start! Let’s jump right in!

Decide on Your Goals

It can be tempting to want to jump right into writing, but all you’ll do is waste time rewriting and rewriting in order to get more aligned to your overall goals. In addition, you’d be forgiven for thinking you need to outline your video script for your medical product launch — but don’t do that yet either. Avoid getting ahead of yourself by answering these three simple questions first:

  1. Why do I want to tell this story?
  2. Who is going to be watching this video?
  3. What is my angle? In other words, how will I approach telling this story?

Once you’ve answered those questions, it’s time to start with your story outline. Keep in mind that this is just the outline. In some cases, writers will take that outline and turn it into a video script without thinking about the story behind the script, which can make your video presentation of your medical device sound bland, dry and uninspired. The story is what keeps people hooked and keeps them paying attention!

Create Your Story Outline

Your story outline is what will be initially attracting your target audience to watch your video. However, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you can, distill the product’s story in as little as five sentences. This will serve as the “bones” of your outline which you can then flesh out in the next step.

The best story outlines feature a broad narrative arc that captures interest, answers the question and helps fulfill the need to know “what happens next?”

Write the Story

This is often viewed as the fun part of the process, and it is! But it’s important in crafting the story that you keep it together as a cohesive unit — with a beginning, middle and end. You have to first snare the viewer with an emotional hook or a reason to care. This can come in a variety of forms, including:

  • A captivating story of a patient your device or technology has helped
  • An interesting anecdote about the device or technology’s development
  • A surprising statistic about the condition or disease that the device treats
  • A unique perspective that differentiates your product or technology from the norm

From there, the focus shifts to the message itself. This is where many video scripts that sell medical devices go off track. It’s tempting to want to reveal everything in the small amount of time you have their attention, but this only serves to muddy the waters. You want to concentrate on a single story and then use visuals, including 3D animation and video, to help reinforce it.

After you’ve written the message, you’ll need to further reinforce it with context. This is particularly important if your product or technology is reliant on data or needs to express a complex concept. Resist the urge to bore them to death with statistics. Your target audience needs to understand how your device helps them in the real world and helps them improve their life. Connect the dots for them and don’t make them think!

Remember, the action you should be concentrating on them taking most is to find out more or schedule a demonstration. Don’t assume they understand all of the terminology or the ideas you’re sharing, particularly if you’re marketing to key decision-makers who aren’t necessarily surgeons or specialists. Give them the context to understand how the data points you’re sharing correlate to your product or service and why they should pay attention.

After this point is completed comes the closing. This is the point at which you’ve set up the story, and now viewers get the pay off; in other words, the satisfaction of knowing what comes next. They’ve invested time and attention and now need to feel rewarded.

Crafting the Closing

Writing the introduction to a video script to sell a medical device or technology is tough, but the ending is often even harder. If you don’t “close” the right way, all of that momentum and excitement and engagement you’ve built up so far will sputter. The last thing you want is for your presentation to seem salesy or high pressure. You don’t want to lose what you’ve built up or have that excitement dissipate into thin air.

Your video script ending is a call to action, but a powerful one. It’s not enough, especially in the world of medical device and technology marketing, to simply throw up your URL and logo and hope people will want to find out more. That’s nothing more than a blatant sales pitch and makes people feel like they’ve wasted their time.

Instead, make your ending reiterate what you want your viewer to do, such as making a call, scheduling a demo or talking with a specialist.

Of course, once you have your story, you’re still not finished. If you hand over your script to video production now, you’ll get a decent result, but it could still be much better, and we’ll show you how.

Read It From Your Viewer’s Perspective

Once you’ve got the core story nailed down, it’s time to look at it the way a viewer would. You’re, quite literally, flipping the script. Of course, the goal of your video script is to promote your brand and medical device or technology, but despite that, it still needs to connect with your audience. Look at it through a viewer’s eyes and listen to it through a viewer’s ears. Read it aloud and ask yourself the following questions:

  • How easy are the concepts to understand? Are they appropriate for the viewer’s level? It’s a fine line to walk because you don’t want to insult their intelligence, but you also don’t want to talk over them and make them feel lost or confused by what you have to present.
  • How relevant is the information you’re presenting? The world of medical devices and technology is fascinating, to be sure, but sometimes you need a bit more of a back story and an emotional hook to make viewers understand and care.
  • Are you using a lot of industry jargon and terminology? Not everyone is familiar with medical terminology and precise wording. Look to see if you need to replace or rephrase anything in the script.

Check the Tone

You may not realize it, but the tone is a very important part of your video script. It “sets the stage” and gives people direction on how they should feel about what they’re seeing. The tone also needs to match the viewer’s expectations. You wouldn’t want to take a somber subject and make light of it. Your tone should match the idea or story you’re looking to convey.

Grab Your Knife

So far, you’ve got the first draft ready. Now it’s time to cut! When you use too many words, it not only makes your video longer but it also weakens your presentation. Keep your video short and to the point. You have a limited time in which to explain something that’s quite technical, so look for ways to say it simpler. Anything that doesn’t absolutely need to be there should be taken out.

Read It Out Loud

This might seem like a needless extra step, but did you know that our brains are programmed to scan through words when we’re reading them on screen or in a book? The moment we read them aloud, we might trip up on certain phrases or vocally hesitate on others. Even the best possible voiceover artist does this, and these “catches” in the script can trip up listeners and make them pay more attention to the way something was said, than what was actually said.

To help fix this, read your script aloud in a single take (even if you won’t ultimately be the one reading it aloud). If there’s any word or phrase that makes you stumble, remove it. You should be able to read through it smoothly and cleanly. This way, when you hand the script over to the voiceover artist, they’ll be able to keep up a steady rhythm and tone.

Get Feedback from Others

So far, you’ve been the one in control of the outlining, creation, crafting, cutting and reviewing of the script. At this stage it’s a good idea to seek out feedback from others. You need fresh sets of eyes to look at the script, not just to proofread but maybe to add a bit of direction, guidance, a new perspective and much more.

Next Steps

Now that you know how to write a video script that can help sell your medical device or technology, the next step is to work with a professional 3D animation and production company to bring it to life. We can help you polish your video script along with realistic, expert-grade animation and demonstrations to help present your product in a way that perfectly captures your brand.

From demonstrations of complex medical techniques to advanced technology and explanations, our realistic, high-quality medical animations can help you save time without compromising on results. Contact us today to learn more!

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Blog Images How to Choose the Right Medical Animation Partner for Your Company

If you’re looking for a reliable, professional company to help you create impressive animations for your medical device, technology or solution, you may feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choices. How do you know which company to choose? What do you look for in judging the applicants?

Before you hire an animation company to create your medical animation, you’ll want to look over this checklist to ensure that the company you want to hire meets or exceeds the following criteria:

Check the Portfolio

A portfolio is the best selection of work offered by the animation company and is your opportunity to take a look at what they’re capable of. The good news is that you don’t have to be an animator to be able to properly evaluate an animation company’s portfolio. Look at the smoothness of the animations. Does each angle flow seamlessly? Does the video tell a story? Is it interesting to watch and does it explain the product well?

See How Videos are Presented

Animation is not a standalone process. Take a look at the entire production from start to finish. A video presentation needs to create a captivating bond between viewer and brand. Consider the clarity of the message. What is the device or technology promising? Why should the viewer care? Is it understandable or does it use a lot of complex jargon or terminology?

They may also offer a demo reel on their website or during a consultation. Consider the style, the quality of the animation work (does it jerk suddenly from angle to angle or is it smooth and flowing?) How does the soundtrack and/or voice over blend with the overall explanation or presentation? A demo reel is like a visual portfolio, and it’s a good example of what you can expect when you hire that particular company.

Don’t Dismiss the Animation Simply Because of Style

Many different companies, especially those in the medical device and technology industry, have different goals in mind for their animation. Some want more of an explainer video that uses simple characters and concepts. Others want something sleek and modern. Ideally, the animation company that will be acting as a partner as you market your medical product will have a variety of different styles for different brands so that you can independently evaluate their expertise when dealing with different types of requirements.

A Love of What They Do

This might seem like an unusual feature to evaluate, but you want to work with an animation company that truly loves what they do. They’re passionate about promoting medical technology and their expertise lies in distilling detailed technical information, studies and other details into clear, concise concepts that can be easily understood by a wide range of audiences.

Some animators will simply rush to get the job done so that they can complete the project and get paid. When promoting something as powerful as a medical device that can quite literally change lives, it’s important to work with a company where that is their specialty and focus. In other words, they care about the outcome just as much as you do.

Great Customer Service, Communication and Follow-Up

Some animation studios will promise top of the line work at affordable prices, but then fall short on communications, follow-up and taking the time to update you on the status of your project. It’s important that whichever studio you choose takes the time to understand not just the product itself, but also your vision for how you’d like to present it.

Long before you ever sign a contract, you’ll know whether or not this company truly wants you as a customer based on how responsive they are to your inquiries and how timely they are with updates. The best animation companies will want you to be an active participant in every stage of the animation and production, from drawing out rough sketches to putting the finishing touches on the completed masterpiece. This is a win-win for both parties, as no one knows animation better than the professionals, and no one knows your company and brand better than you.

Look for Past Reviews and Testimonials

Before you sign any contract, look for what past clients and brands have said about the company. What was their experience working with the animators? Do they feel as if they got a better value for their money? Was the process straightforward and seamless? These are all things that can point you toward (or away) from a company and help you make your decision with greater confidence.

Think About Your Budget

Budget is a major factor in choosing to ink a deal with an animation company. It’s important to stick with your budget but also realize that you get what you pay for. Don’t fall victim to the temptation of choosing the cheapest company as you often get what you pay for, and in the world of medical device or technology marketing, the last thing you want is for your product to look cheap!

Should You Hire a Freelancer?

Although it seems like it would save some money to hire a freelancer to create your animation, it’s worth noting that however good their animation or video production skills are, that’s the limit of their abilities. You’ll still have to outsource things like the video script, the voice over, the soundtrack and more. When you work with a professional animation studio with a focus on creating animations for medical devices, you get professionals who are experts in their chosen specialties as they relate to that industry.

How to Hire an Animation Company

Now that you know what to keep in mind when considering an animation company as your partner in marketing your medical product, the question is, what kinds of questions should you ask in order to actually go through the vetting process?

Some of the most common questions you can ask include:

  • What type of medical device productions have you worked on?
  • What has been the biggest challenge that you’ve faced with a project? How did you overcome it?
  • How does your chosen style of video reflect the needs of our project better than your competitors?
  • Have you ever had a conflict with a project director, and if so, how did you resolve it?

These questions go beyond the technical scope of the project and get you on equal footing with the people that you’ll be working with, so that you can better know what to expect from the company itself.

Choose the Right Kind of Animation

It’s also important to hire the right kind of animator. There are many different styles of animation and you may be borrowing from different areas of expertise in order to create the end result. For example, motion graphics are different from high-end visual effects. Two-dimensional explainer videos are different from intense 3D animation of a machine from every angle. As you can see, there’s a lot that goes into hiring the right kind of animation company and getting the right people for the job is a crucial part of the process!

Use the Right Kind of Software

This might seem like an unusual question to ask during the interview process but it’s nevertheless important for you to understand who you’re working with. The industry standard in animation is Adobe products. You may have heard of Photoshop or Illustrator, but animators typically use tools like After Effects in order to create the end result.

If a studio is using a cheap animation software (and there are plenty of them out there) to create your animation, seemingly simple changes will suddenly become costly overhauls. That’s why it’s important to ask what program(s) they’re using in order to create your medical video.

Working with Companies Abroad

No matter where you’re located, you’ll be glad to know that the web has opened up the floor to all kinds of talented animators from around the world. This means that you have more variety than ever in terms of choosing the right medical animation company, whether you want to showcase your device or illustrate a process. The good news is that working with companies in other countries shortcuts the time you spend waiting for the end result. Files can be delivered digitally, meetings can be conducted quickly online and follow-ups can happen at a moment’s notice.

What the Best Medical Animation Companies Have in Common

There are a few things that all medical animation companies have in common beyond a great passion for working in this industry and improving the lives of others. The best medical animation companies are process-driven. They know the industry well enough to understand what captivates viewers, grabs their attention, and keeps them hooked well beyond the introduction.

In addition, medical device animation companies are versatile. They’re able to bring your vision to life and accentuate your brand with best practices that put your company at the forefront of the prospects’ minds. Only an in-depth understanding of the medical and healthcare industry can cut through the clutter in this way; further illustrating why it’s so important to work with professionals.

Getting Started with a Reliable Medical Animation Company

If you’re interested in a polished, professional-grade animation from a reliable and reputable medical animation company, look no further! Our experts have worked with the top brands in the medical and healthcare industries, presenting cutting edge machinery, devices and processes that have helped millions of people around the world. Let’s talk more about your project and work together to build a lasting partnership that can save lives! Contact us today to learn more.

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Blog Images Why You Must Have the Right Medical Animation When Launching a Product

When launching a new medical device or platform, the very first crucial step is to be able to grab attention. And the best way to do that is through video and animation. With the right approach, video can convert extremely well. In fact, studies reveal that viewers are as much as 85% more likely to buy after watching a video. Done right, great videos and animations can inspire, motivate, educate and engage in a way that images simply can’t.

So how can the right medical animation help? Let’s take a closer look:

It Helps to Explain Your Device or Platform

The right medical animation offers an excellent opportunity to share the benefits of your product in a way that’s direct and easy to understand. These types of “explainer videos” can also help break down features and benefits for key decision makers. A solid animation can also serve to tease soon to be released products as well.

However, in order to convey these benefits through an animation, it’s not enough to explain the features directly in your video. No one wants to read, watch or listen to a bulleted list. That’s why the best medical animations and videos first illustrate the problem faced by the specialist or physician. It then leads into how your product solves that issue through its features. Done right, a good animation serves to explain not only how the device works, but also why it’s imperative that the clinic or hospital upgrade their equipment now to the latest and greatest technology.

Don’t forget to further reinforce the importance of your product launch with information about your brand and your goals with the launch of this device. Who is it for? How can it help them to have a better experience? When will it launch?

Last, but certainly not least, end with a call-to-action. If the product is not yet launched, offer viewers the opportunity to sign up for a waiting list to get notified when the device goes live. You can even add a greater impetus to sign up by combining your animation and waiting list lead capture form with a free webinar that allows for interested participants to learn more about the product in greater detail than what an animation can convey.

It Gives You the Opportunity to Answer Questions

Your medical device animation in and of itself is sure to generate interest within your target audience, and with that interest comes questions. How is it used? Which type of patient can best benefit from it? How does it integrate with other devices? In these cases, an animation can be used to give an “inside look” while addressing questions. By illustrating certain functionality, the medical device animation not only looks good, but it answers the most common questions before they’ve even been asked.

This medical animation video is also the perfect time to include any use cases, scientific studies or other evidence to bolster the claims of your medical device and demonstrate its wide appeal to its intended audience.

You Get to Show, Not Just Tell

With medical device animation, you’re not just introducing your product or device, you’re telling a powerful story. The medical device industry can be a complex one, with lots of technical parts involved. Furthermore, it can be hard for prospects to fully visualize, for example, a product being injected under the skin even if the procedure is relatively simple and commonplace.

The right medical device animation not only illustrates this but allows you to break it down further; all the way down to a cellular level if necessary. In addition, medical device animation can also be repurposed across many different types of content, including micro content like teaser videos, webinars, video introductions and much more, each tailored toward different audiences. This allows you to maximize your investment while also reaching different potential users at different stages of the sales funnel.

You Can Avoid the Hard Sell

No one wants to (willingly) sit through a sales presentation, no matter what you have to offer. In the medical device industry, this was the norm for many, many years. Fortunately, times have changed and much greater emphasis is placed on the overall customer experience. They’re not just investing in a device or a platform, but rather an improved quality of life for all of their patients and the people who treat them.

Avoiding the hard sale makes everyone feel much more at ease, interested and engaged in the presentation as a whole. Who knew a detailed animation could do so much?

You Can Train Your Sales Team

Last but certainly not least when it comes to having the right medical device animation, remember that a high quality animation can also serve as a sales tool. Training is a key aspect of any product launch, and as such, your team needs to be well-versed in not only the technology behind the device, but how it works, who it helps, and why it’s important to make it an integral part of any healthcare setting.

By equipping your representatives with premium-grade animations, you help them to present a more convincing and interesting concept to decision makers and greatly increase the chances of buy-in from the hospital or clinic as a whole.

The Best Medical Device Animation Ideas

Depending on what you have to offer, an animation can be used in a variety of contexts. Here are a few of our favorite ideas to spark your creativity:

How Does the Device Make Life Easier for Patients?

An easy-to-understand animation coupled with a professional voiceover can present your device specifications and benefits in a way that’s easy to understand at-a-glance.

How Does the Device Work?

An animation that demonstrates the functionality of the device complete with callouts highlighting key points helps provide a visual overview in a way that’s not high-pressure or salesy.

Illustrate a Treatment

Give key decision-makers an animated overview of how a certain treatment is conducted, including details on the procedure itself and the role that the device plays.

Safety and Peace of Mind

In some ordinarily risky surgeries, having an animation that illustrates the safe use of the device compared to previous processes can deliver a great deal of peace of mind to both the patient and the hospital.

Instructional Walkthroughs

The right animated medical device video can provide an instructional demonstration that simplifies processes to make them easier for a larger group to understand beyond the surgeon or specialist undertaking the task.

What Happens Inside?

Sometimes, in order to see the full magnitude of how a device works, we need to have an inside look. The right kind of animation showing the healing process taking place from within can help elaborate on a procedure by showing the internal process in greater detail.

Quality Inside
Beyond the device itself, the individual parts that make it up can be just as important as a way of showcasing its quality. Unique construction, specific formulations or components all add value to the product, and an animation is an excellent way to demonstrate that the device exudes quality inside and out.

What Happens if You Don’t Use the Right Medical Device Animation?

There are plenty of avenues you can pursue in order to get an animated presentation of your medical device. However, as with many investments in your marketing and the showcase of your product, quality vastly affects perception.

Unfortunately, this perception can spill over into assumptions about your product or device. An animation that is made quickly or doesn’t fully explain how the device works creates more questions than answers, and people will wrongly assume that the device is somehow cheap, faulty or of poor quality as a result.

That’s why it’s best to work with the experts. In this way you can get truly stylish, advanced, unique and professional-grade animations to fully capture your vision and your product in even the smallest detail. Contact the experts at ARCreative today to learn more and let our leading-edge medical device animation professionals work with you to capture the perfect style for your product launch!

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Visual content in social media can mean more than just images.  Today, with more connectivity than ever, people are liking and sharing videos faster than ever.  If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video may be worth a million.  Here’s what you need to know when using visuals in your social media posts:


If you’ve been holding back from jumping on the video bandwagon, you’d better not wait much longer. Over 300 hours of video content are published on YouTube every minute and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. While that sounds like a lot, if you want truly scalable reach when it comes to your audience, you can’t just upload a video to YouTube and hope for the best.  You also need to leverage Facebook.


Facebook has one major advantage over YouTube in the video department.  They let you perfectly target your video to the right audience at the right time.  Facebook has collected so much data, on such a massive scale, that you can literally pinpoint your exact customer or user with scary-good accuracy.  Want to target single mothers in your neighborhood and advertise your daycare service?  Looking for model train builders who live in Pennsylvania and are retired? Chances are you can find both of those groups easily on Facebook, and target them with your video ads. It’s niche marketing like you’ve never seen it before.


Spend any amount of time on social media and one thing becomes immediately clear – there are a LOT of videos, and the vast majority of them are nothing new.  Repost after repost, share after share, even videos that are decades old seem to get a revival every few months.  By having an original video created, you’re setting in motion a “ripple effect” that will go on long after the first shares have happened, and that’s something that few other types of media can achieve.


Videos connect with us in far more ways than text or even an image could.  They explain. They empower. They enlighten. They entertain.  Our brains process visual stimuli far quicker than words, which is why we can share videos halfway around the world and even in different languages, and still find the same things amusing, interesting or unique.  That’s the kind of hold that video has on us as human beings, and that’s the kind of sway that marketing your message in the right way can have on your audience.


For example, Facebook videos are often poignant, funny or interesting.  Twitter videos, while relatively new, are much like the network itself – direct and to the point. YouTube videos tend to be much longer and more detailed.  Whatever video you’re looking to have created, be sure that the goals you have set for it match the network you plan on promoting it on.  It’s all about the context in which it’s received.  It may even be worth having separate videos created with these separate goals in mind.

As you can see, preparing your visual content for social media isn’t just a matter of hitting the post button and hoping for the best.  It takes foresight, planning and business goals in mind to craft a video that perfectly meshes with your audience in such a way that they can’t help but share it.  Don’t forget the “social” aspect of social media – people aren’t about to watch a video that’s all about your latest product unless you specifically translate the benefits into something they need and can integrate with their lives.

It’s a tall order to fill, but with the right planning and production company behind you, you’ll be able to have videos on social media that get attention, get watched and get spread.

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Video is taking the web by storm.  With the advent of stream-on-demand and the proliferation of videos across social media and various devices, video is quickly becoming the preferred way of consuming content online.  But how can you use this to your marketing advantage?  Let’s take a closer look at how video can eclipse design and even copy as the most versatile tool in your marketing arsenal.


Want a shortcut to the front page of Google?  Make a video.  Videos are 53 times more likely to snag a front page placement than websites according to ComScore. Now, there’s no guarantee here, but a premium quality, relevant video will catch the user’s eye far quicker than reading a wall of text. And if you’re in a hyper competitive industry, video could be the edge you need to move ahead of the pack.


A report from the Content Marketing Institute shows that versus your typical blog or social media post, audiences were up to ten times more likely to engage, embed and otherwise interact with video.  With the leverage of auto-play videos on Facebook, being able to share, comment and like on video makes it a powerful viral marketing tool.  Of course, this also means that if you’re looking to leverage video marketing for your product that it looks less like an ad and more like a part of the user’s lifestyle.

“Lifestyle brands” like Apple and Red Bull use this kind of technique to create perception in the users’ minds and aims to create a perception of their ideal customer “by association.” These kinds of videos make showcasing the product secondary to fulfilling the inner desires of the user. If they can picture themselves owning or using your product before they’ve even taken action – you’ve sold them.


You could tell someone about your awesome new product… or you could tease them with a video.  You could talk about how great your team is, or you could give customers a behind the scenes look at what life is like at your company.  Videos share and say more than text or photos could, making them virtually limitless in terms of their marketing potential and application.

Could you host a Q&A about your product or service over social media? Could you share a video highlighting your product’s benefits at a tradeshow? As you can see, there are a wide range of options for video that text simply can’t compare to.


Mobile users are always on the go, and simply don’t have time to read a constant barrage of text. What’s more, many websites are still not mobile responsive, causing issues with text formatting and scrolling on mobile devices.  Video sizing is standard across the web, and can be viewed on even the smallest screens, making it a great way to share information visually across a wide range of smart phones and tablets.


Video, especially animations, can break down complex points into bite-size, actionable pieces that consumers can understand and relate to.  They can learn about the importance of various actions and processes and learn how to apply those points in their work and life. In turn, they’re inspired and moved to act and share that information with others.  In short, they’re taking action based on what they’ve learned, and that action will have a ripple-effect onto others.


When a consumer understands a vital concept and takes action based on the information presented, they feel empowered. They gain the confidence they need to make informed decisions.  Their perspective is shifted, their mind is open and they have the details they need to move forward.  That’s a feeling that text simply cannot replicate.  They see just how the item or cause profiled in the video can make an impact in their lives and in the lives of others.  They see core needs being met and expectations being exceeded.  All of these things empower them to do more.


As you can see, video marketing is not a trend or a way to game the search engines.  With mobile devices becoming more commonplace, and video available across all our favorite sites and social media, you can expect video marketing to become even more widespread and engaging as marketers work to find the secret “hook” – that special formula that converts casual browser into active viewer.

Want to learn more about making video marketing a part of your promotional campaigns? Reach out to us at ARCreative today to learn how high quality and impressive attention to detail can make your video share more than words.

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"Arcreative brings a wealth of expertise to the medical device field. They were a great partner to us, particularly their ability to come on board quickly, pick up on a complex product with lots of messaging and intricate technical knowledge and produce a video that is intuitive and beautiful. We couldn't be happier with the product."

Haley Chute, Senior manager, global marketing Cardio Focus

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